The Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries / Metrology Council

December 2021 Trainings

The training program within the SMIIC MC Work Plan 2021 – 2023 started in July 2021. The next trainings you are invited to register and welcome to participate are as follows:

You can see the SMIIC MC Work Plan 2021 – 2023 at: SMIIC MC WP 2021-2023


  1. Training on Technical Requirements for Proficiency Testing Provider

Host NMI: Tübitak UME
Date: 22-23 December, 2021
Duration: 2 days

Click for details


  1. Workshop on Uncertainty Calculations in the Field of Mass and Related Quantities

Host NMI: Tübitak UME
Date: 27-28 December, 2021
Duration: 2 days

Click for details